Para quienes aún no los conocen, Of Monsters and Men es un banda de indie rock islandesa formada en 2010.
Los integrantes del grupo son Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir (cantante principal y guitarrista), Ragnar «Raggi» Þórhallsson (cantante y guitarrista), Brynjar Leifsson (guitarrista), Arnar Rósenkranz Hilmarsson (baterista) y Kristján Páll Kristjánsson (bajista).
Después de concursar y ganar el «Músiktilraunir», un concurso anual de bandas musicales de Islandia, Of Monsters and Men presentó su EP debut, Into the Woods.
Su disco debut, ‘My Head Is an Animal’, tuvo un gran éxito a nivel mundial; alcanzó el sexto puesto en Estados Unidos, el tres en Reino Unido o el número uno en Australia, entre otros
Hace unos meses, Of Monsters and Men presentó su último trabajo discográfico “Beneath the Skin”.
De este nuevo disco, conocimos la canción “Crystals”; sin embargo, hoy, les presentaremos la canción: “Wolves Without Teeth”
Es importante mencionar que este último álbum de la banda ha sido supervisado y producido por Rich Costey, quien produjo el disco debut de Foster The People.
«Wolves Without Teeth»
Open my chest and carve out the spine
I’m giving you all
I’m giving you all
Swallow my breath
And take what is mine
I’m giving you all
I’m giving you all
I’ll be the blood
If you’ll be the bones
I’m giving you all
I’m giving you all
So lift up my body
And lose all control
I’m giving you all
I’m giving you all
You hover like a hummingbird
Haunt me in my sleep
You’ll say you’re from another world
Sinking in my seat, oh
You’re feeding on my energy
Letting go of it
She wants in
And I run from wolves
Breathing heavily
At my feet
And I run from wolves
Tearing into me
Without teeth
I can see through you
We are the same
It’s perfectly strange
You run in my veins
How can I keep you
Inside my lungs
I breathe what is yours
You breathe what is mine
You hover like a hummingbird
Haunt me in my sleep
You’ll say you’re from another world
Sinking in my seat, oh
You’re feeding on my energy
Letting go of it
He wants in
And I run from wolves
Breathing heavily
At my feet
And I run from wolves
Tearing into me
Without teeth
And you can follow
You can follow me
You can follow
You can follow me
You hover like a hummingbird
Haunt me in my sleep
You’ll say you’re from another world
Sinking in my seat, oh
«You’re feeding on my energy
Letting go of it» she once said
And I run from wolves
Breathing heavily
At my feet
And I run from wolves
Tearing into me
Without teeth
And you can follow
You can follow me
You can follow
You can follow me
You can follow
You can follow me
You can follow
You can follow me
– Página oficial: https://www.ofmonstersandmen.com/
– Twitter: @monstersandmen